2 million iPhone 5 sold in China in 3 days

Apple announces that since it was available in China from last Friday, iPhone 5 has been sold over 2 million units in 3 days.iPhone 5 was available for sale in China starting from 14th Dec, the price is 5288RMB and up, there are two cooperated vendors in China : China Telecom and China Unicom. They start sell iPhone 5 on their own sales channels, moreover Apple starts selling iPhone in their own Apple Store and official website.According to Tim Cook, because of the high demand of Apple products in China, this sale record created a new sales record in Chinese market. And the Chinese market is v...

3,875 0       IPHONE 5 CHINA SALE

  Nokia : Nokia map is better than Apple map

Recently, the new release of Apple map is criticized by many users because of its search results accuracy. By this time, Nokia which has its map service Ovi Maps has a comparison of three maps in its Conversations blog. These three maps are the one on the Lumia 920, the Google Map on Samsung Galaxy S3, the map on Apple iPhone 5, It wants to show that Nokia is the best among them. Let's take a look:1. Offline modeOn Lumia 920 Map, the map of the entire country is downloaded, you can position, search, and route offline. Galaxy S3 will only be able to download a map of the city information offlin...

3,971 0       MAP IPHONE 5 GALAXY S3 LUMIA 920

  iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S3 drop test

With the launch of the iPhone 5, there are quite a few companies starting the test of Apple's new darling. Recently, Android Authority released a video of a test. The test is about ropping iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3 three times from different heights, the result is not good to Galaxy S3, although two phones can still work, the Galaxy S3 screen almost completely torn.In daily life, we may pull out the phone from our pocket and hold it in our hand, put the phone to our ear. In these three cases, the phone may drop accidentently. The test simulated these three cases, respectively, so that the iPhone ...

3,380 0       IPHONE 5 GALAXY S3 DROP TEST

  How does iPhone 5 compete with the latest Android and Windows Phone?

Apple's latest release of the iPhone 5 finally resolves some key issues: the larger screen, high-speed 4G LTE network, as well as a higher pixel front camera, which previously were the advantages of the Android phone. In addition, one-piece aluminum housing also gains praise. How does IPhone 5 compete with the latest Android and Windows Phone? In fact, Apple is now facing more intense competition.The most significant upgrade is the new display, 4-inch retina display compared with the old is a great improvement, but compared with its competitors is still not big enough, but users will have to s...


  Data from iPhone 5 event

Apple finally unveils iPhone 5 on an event at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. At the beginning of the event, Apple showed us some data.There will be 380 Apple Retail Stores opened across 13 countriesLast year Apple Retail Store welcomed 83 million customers7 million Mountain Lion upgrades since last monthIt ranked the first place in sales for Macbook Air in United States, it has 27% market share in JulyFrom April to July, 17 million iPads are sold84 million iPads are sold until this July, last year it has 62% market share91% traffic is from iPad among all traffics from tabletIn Fortune 5...