Examples of bad design

Good designs always help users solve their problems in a convenient and familiar way. It takes little or no time for users getting used to the product with a good design. In contrast, bad designs frequently introduce confusion and complexity to users. Before we design any product, we should think carefully about every aspect of the product. We share some really bad design here to show how they can affect people's life.1. USB ConnectorHave you ever put one in right on the first try? We frequently put them wrongly the first time.2. The Apple puck mouseNot only was it incredibly uncomfortable and...


  PHP Sucks! But I Like It!

I read a rather interesting post yesterday called PHP: a fractal of bad design. It's been getting a lot of traffic among the PHP community lately because it's rather inflammatory. But to be honest, it does make a lot of really good points. It also makes a lot of mistakes and misses a bigger picture.A Few MistakesThe post makes quite a few mistakes and odd apples to oranges comparisons. Let me point out the major ones that I saw.No Debugger - PHP has xdebug which works quite well as an interactive debugger.Lack Of Threading - This is true, but he lists it as a difficulty, and I list it as ...

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  PHP sucks (but, some frameworks don't)

I started web development with PHP, and I've decided I've had enough. Why? Keep reading.PHP (the language) sucks. There, I said it. 1029380128301928301823 GlobalsObject system hacked onC extension system sucksDocumentation sucks (read more; no, I'm not drunk)Has a terrible communityAll in all, designed by total idiots. You've probably heard this a ton of times before, but, here it is again. THERE ARE JUST WAY TOO MANY GLOBALS. Why in the world does md5() need to be global? Do you seriously use md5() in every single file?This is also a common occurrence, why on the planet are things l...