Want Me to Read Your Blog? Do This

  Dylan James        2011-12-05 13:16:37       2,320        0    

It's deceptively easy to maintain traffic once you've scored that initial boost of visitor hits. In fact, one of the greatest determinations of this relies on a single make or break entry.
Every blogger knows, if they look at their web analytics at all, that one of the most consistently viewed pages is the biographical entry. If it's linked on the home page or throughout the blog, the audience will invariably stay long enough to read it, at least 25% of the time if the initial trafficing content is good.
Users want to satisfy their cusiosity. If what they read was even mildly interesting, they want to learn more about the author. Figure out what he's all about. So they head to the "About" or "FAQ" or whatever. That moment is the kicker - if you have an articulate about page, and they don't have any issue with your bio and "mission statement," a significant number of those visitors will keep coming back. It's that simple.
The most important parts of the bio are simple:
1. Goals for the blog.
2. Identity and credentials.
3. Contact information and update info.

If all three of those are clearly explained with no ambiguity, and seem to have a purposeful dimension to them, readers will pick up on this spirit abd follow you. Try it some time. If you want me to read your blog, make a knockout biographical page. •

Source : http://www.ruli.us/rulius/2011/12/4/want-me-to-read-your-blog-make-a-good-bio-page.html


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