Evolution mail configuration with Hotmail on Ubuntu

  Pi Ke        2011-04-28 09:24:01       10,363        1    

Evolution mail now is the default Email client on Ubuntu. When we configure this mail client with Hotmail. The steps should be followed.

Step 1: Open Evolution mail through Applications->Internet->Evolution mail 
Step 2: Goto Edit->Preferences
Step 3 : Click Add button or double click on the added mail account.
Step 4 : On the Identity tab, fill the Hotmail account you want to use. 
Step 5 : On "Receiving email" Tab, 
             Server Type select "POP", 
             Server field : "pop3.live.com"          
             Username field "username@hotmail.com"
             Security : "SSL Encryption"
             Authentication type : "PASSWORD"
Step 6: On "Sending email" Tab :
             Server type : "SMTP"
             Server ; "smtp.live.com:(port)" 25 or 587
             Check "Server requires authentication"
             Security ; "TLS"
             Authentication : "PLAIN"
             Username : "username@hotmail.com"
Step 7 : CLick OK. You are done.


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Anonymous [Reply]@ 2017-10-27 22:51:59

Well, here it is nearing Nov. 2018 and still no one has come up with a way to get Evolution to Send Hotmail e-mail (Ubuntu Mate). EVERY setting that people have offered since 2010 (at least) have not worked. The 587 port is not blocked by my server/ISP since it works with my Windows PC perfectly well. I can receive mail just fine (imap) but no matter what setting I try sending messages fails. Same message similar to this:
"Error reading 'smtp.live.com' Name ot service not knowm"