Run JavaScript in GoLang

In some cases, there might be some JavaScript code needs to be ran in a GoLang project. Fortunately, there are a few libraries which support running JavaScript in GoLang. The most famous one would be v8. This is a Go API for the famous v8 JavaScript engine originally developed for the Chrominum project and the foundation of NodeJS.In this post, we will show some simple steps to get v8 working in a GoLang program on MacOS. First you need to install the package so that you can import it. Run belowgo get you would encounter an error where some header file ...

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  ARM adopts 64-bit architecture

ARM has disclosed technical details about its new v8 architecture - the first to include a 64-bit instruction set - at ARM TechCon 2011 in Santa Clara, California.The next-gen architecture will expand the reach of ARM processors in the consumer and enterprise markets where extended virtual addressing and 64-bit data processing are required.According to ARM CTO Mike Muller, ARMv8 architecture consists of two main execution states: AArch64 and AArch32. 

The AArch64 execution state introduces a new instruction set, A64 for 64-bit processing, while the AArch32 state supports the exist...