10 major updates of Windows 8.1

Last night, the 2013 Microsoft Build Developer Conference started in San Francisco. The highlight of the first day is Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced the release of Windows 8.1 Preview . The final version will be released in November and he also mentioned that there would be over 300 updates on the new OS.Now let's summarize 10 major updates of the new OS.1. Classical desktop modeAfter getting a lot of feedback from users, Microsoft adds a new setting. Users can choose to start in classical desktop mode instead of the touch screen like in Windows 8 when the computer boots up.2. Apps auto...

7,240 6       BUILD WINDOWS 8.1

  Build RPM package on Linux

1. Check the OS version and core version#uname -a#more /etc/redhat-release2. Create relative directories/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES    //Store source codes, patches, icons etc/usr/src/redhat/SPECS        //Store specs about the process of building RPM packages/usr/src/redhat/BUILD     //File after uncompressed are stored here/usr/src/redhat/RPMS     //Store the binary files built with rpmbuild/usr/src/redhat/SRPMS   //Store source code package built with rpmbuild #mkdir -p /usr/src/redhat/#cd /usr/src/redhat/...

6,017 0       LINUX BUILD RPM

  Building The Linux Kernel In 60 Seconds

In less than one minute, it's now possible to build the Linux kernel from source on a desktop.Besides finishing up the Phoronix Test Suite 3.6-Arendal release this weekend, on Saturday I began running some new Intel CPU benchmarks. In building the Linux 3.1 kernel for x86_64 in a default configuration (make defconfig), I've now managed to trim down the compile time to less than sixty seconds on a single-socket desktop system. Similar speeds can be achieved out of multi-socket servers and other configurations, but this is the first time I'm seeing such kernel build speeds out of a single proces...


  Info -> Design -> Build

First who we are: account managers and business developers at web design agencies. This process is geared towards bigger agencies, however it can be applied to freelance and smaller shops in theory.The important piecesWeb design projects tend to be unique in nature, however it is important to have a basic process that can be applied in most cases. This process is executed in a linear fashion starting with information and ending in code, but requires iteration loops at each step.Information â€“ The organization of content and data.Design â€“ The face that communicates inform...