Mastering a New Programming Language: A Professional Guide

IntroductionLearning a new programming language can seem daunting, but with the right approach, anyone can become proficient in a new language. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, mastering a new language can open up new opportunities in your career and enable you to tackle new and exciting programming challenges. In this guide, we'll provide you with a step-by-step process for mastering a new programming language.Step 1: Choose a Language and Set GoalsThe first step in mastering a new programming language is to choose a language that aligns with your career goals and inter...


  Top 10 reasons to use a low-code platform

Generally, as the best coding platforms, low code includes low code app development, process development solutions and software development tools. IT users utilize low code solutions as a source of the required building blocks for the building of workflows and applications. The building blocks make it easier to assemble apps and workflows without requiring hand-coding. The growth of low-code platforms therefore levels business grounds by reducing the time spent in coding among other benefits. Organizations now have access to more tools and technologies. For this reason, IT teams can handl...


  A strange behavior of printing struct with nested struct in GoLang

Normally when trying to print a struct , we would use %v to show all data of the struct. It will print the default format for each field in the struct.%v the value in a default format when printing structs, the plus flag (%+v) adds field namesBut recently we observed a strange behavior when printing a struct with nested struct which has a String() string implemented, the %v format prints an 'unexpected' output per our understanding.  Let's see the example snippet first.package mainimport ( "fmt")type Inner struct {}type A struct { Inner FieldA string}func (i Inner) String...


  + operation on JavaScript objects

In JavaScript, there are two types of values: primitive and object. Primitives consist undefined, null, boolean, number and string. Other values such as array and function are objects. When applying + operation on different type of values, there would be three kinds of type conversion.Primitive conversionNumber conversionString conversionThere three type conversions have corresponding abstract operations in JavaScript: ToPrimitive(), ToNumber(), ToString().For number addition, it's normal math addition(ToNumber). For strings, they are just string concatenations(ToString). For ob...


  What and what not to log while debugging

Log is a critical part of an application. It serves as an eye to the programmer on how the application is working while debugging. Especially for applications running on production environment, if the application encounters problem and the problem cannot be reproduced on other environments, log will be extremely useful.While log is essential, but developers have to log smartly. Because if don't put log smartly, you may not get what you want while debugging or you may get too many redundant logs which eat up the disk space and degrade the performance of the system.So what and wha...


  The Greatest Regex Trick Ever (Simplified)

There is a post which is really hot recently which showcased a best ever regular expression trick. In this post, it provides a trick which can be adapted to situations where one wants to match some patterns desired and exclude the patterns undesired. In simple, the trick is :Pattern not desired | (Pattern desired)Then taking the group 1 match of the capturing group of matched. This group will contain the strings matching the desired patterns.Have to say this trick is really neat and brilliant. Here is a simple explanation on how this works. The above regular expression will first try to m...


  Maybe we need //Comment comment

Do we need comment in our programs? Depends, if we can write a program which can clearly tell s the reader what the program does, then we had better to avoid unnecessary comments. However, if the program we develop is complex enough and it involves some uncommon logic which needs more explanation, then we have to add comment and make sure the comment we add can correctly tell the readers what we do.The worst scenarios is not you forget or you don't want to add comment, it's that you add comment but the comment you add is wrong or may diverge the readers to think something else. We don't want t...


  A couple of tips for beginning programmers

Whether it is football, quantum physics, a new foreign language or programming, the beginnings are problematic. What is more, no amount of advice can teach you as much as your own experience. Nevertheless, the following tips will help you avoid some mistakes, save your time and develop good programmer habits from the very beginning.Practise logical thinkingAlthough some may laugh at the stereotype of a programmer being a Maths genius, there is no use denying that learning Maths and Logics prepares your brain for becoming a programmer better than anything you do at the high school level. Progra...