What to Know About Windows 11

Windows 11 launched in October, with Microsoft bringing some changes to the operating system. It was the first name change in six years, and the rollout began on October 5. The rollout is being phased on eligible devices. You can download it if you don’t want to wait for it to be your device’s turn. Some businesses are opting to defer upgrades to Windows 11, as are some individuals. Others are excited to take advantage.The following are some things to know about implementing changes to the operating system. What is Windows 11?The operating system was officially unvei...

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  Some Features of Windows 10 You Didn’t Know About

Since the launch of Windows 10 everyone around the world is crazy about it. No one wants to use the old Windows 7 and 8 anymore. Windows 10 is simple, light and has all the great features. The interface is awesome and gives it a techy look as well.Well, what if we told you that there are still some features of this great OS that are yet to be discovered? Yes, that is right. Today we will be discussing a few of the features that are not commonly known to people.Secret Start MenuThat is right, there is a secret Start menu for power users in Windows 10. The purpose of this menu is to let power us...

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  How to project a phone screen to a PC in Windows 10

In this post, we will show you a simple way to project a phone to a PC in Windows 10. Windows 10 provides a feature called Project to this PC which allows to project other devices on a PC installed with Windows 10.Below are the steps for doing this.1.Press Win + i key to open Windows Settings.2. In System menu, click Project to this PC option. Then select either Available everywhere on secure networks or Available everywhere.3. Now open your phone which you want to project. Ensure it connects to the same WiFi as your PC.4. On your phone, go to Settings and click More connections. You will f...


  Snipping Tool is moving on Windows 10

There is some recent change for a built-in tool on Windows 10 where the Snipping Tool is moving. Snipping Tool is a tool on Windows for taking screenshots and editing screenshots taken. But now it's moving to a new tool called Snip & Sketch which has enhanced features.Now if you try to launch Snipping Tool, you will notice there is a notification telling that the Snipping tool is moving to a new tool called Snip & Sketch.And you can click Try Snip & Sketch to launch the new tool.The new tool has a new modern face and it has a clear difference as the old tool where it has a clear in...


  Screen recording in Windows 10

Have you ever wondered how to take screen recording easily on Windows? Normally you would think to download some software online and install it on your machine such as Camtasia. However, many of them are either non-free or uneasy to use.Fortunately, there is a built-in tool provided in Windows 10 which can be used to take simple screen recording plus audio recording. The tool is called the Game Bar which is primarily intended for gamers to take screenshots of their plays and achievements. Don't be scared away by its name though, it is not only for game recording, it can also be used for taking...


  Why Microsoft chooses Alt+F4 to close a window

For a long time, there is a doubt among lots of Windows users especially those English speaking users, that is why Microsoft chooses Alt+F4 to close a window instead of Alt+Q. Alt+Q is more comfortable to press for many keyboards, also Q represents Quit and it is easier for people to understand. Recently Microsoft answered this doubt.Raymond Chen, longtime Microsoft developer and semi-official Windows historian, said the reason is that not everyone speaks English. It doesn't work that way in many other languages. You have to choose a common key sequence which people fr...


  32-bit vs 64-bit

I have knowledge on 32-bit vs 64-bit, but not very clear minded.Here is a good article I found about it. Understand there are 3 things involved: CPU, OS and application.To work on 64-bit, first thing first is: you need a 64-bit CPU. 64-bit CPU usually provide emulation for 32-bit system. Though some 32-bit application still cannot run on 64-bit OS, because they might contain 16-bit code.32-bit system won't have compatibility for 64-bit application. Also 32-bit CPU won't run 64-bit OS or application. In windows, yo...

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  Add Sublime Text to your context menu on right click

When opening a text file, you may be used to right click on the file to be opened and then choose the application which can open the file from the context menu. On the context menu, you may see a menu item like "Edit with Notepad++".Nowadays many people especially programmers like to use Sublime Text, but by default this application will not show on the context menu when you right click on a file. There is now frequent request to add this application to the context menu. Here we show a simple batch file which can help you achieve this.Below is the batch code :@echo offSET sublimeTextPath=C:\Pr...